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Posted: 2015-02-05T13:14:55Z | Updated: 2017-12-07T03:20:09Z What Really Works When You're Too Anxious To Fall Asleep | HuffPost Life

What Really Works When You're Too Anxious To Fall Asleep

What Really Works When You're Too Anxious To Fall Asleep
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Why is it that just when our heads hit the pillow our thoughts take off in a sprint?

Our brains have this annoying tendency to ruminate on worst-case scenarios and other negative reflections at night -- and all that worry is seriously disrupting our ability to fall asleep.

"Anxiety is an emotion that actually wakes us up," Steve Orma, PsyD, a clinical psychologist and author of Stop Worrying and Go to Sleep: How to Put Insomnia to Bed for Good , tells The Huffington Post. "There are all kinds of physical changes happening that ramp you up, which is the exact opposite state of what you need to be in when you're trying to fall asleep."

The good news is that since anxiety is often triggered by our own thinking, we also have the ability to think our way to better sleep, Orma says. Below are some tips to help you banish that anxiety so you can drift off to dreamland faster -- no sleeping pill required.

Identify what you're worried about.

Dissecting the source of your anxiety is the first important step to banishing it, Orma says. If you're suffering from insomnia, you're likely feeling anxious about sleep; if you're suffering from general anxiety, you're likely unable to drift off because your thoughts are preoccupied with other stressors.

"You have to identify what it is that's causing you to stay awake and deal with that before crawling into bed," he explains. "People worry about all kinds of things when they're in bed, and that's not the time to think things through."

Get out of bed.

"Most people stay in bed and hope they'll get tired and fall asleep, but generally that doesn't happen," Orma says. As a result, people start subconsciously associating being in bed with being awake. If you don't fall asleep within 20 to 30 minutes, get up and go to a different room.

Address what's on your mind.

Research suggests that putting our worries into something tangible and physically throwing them away can help clear our mind of negative thoughts .

"Get a pad of paper and dump everything that you're worried about, whether that's sleep, your job, your relationships or otherwise," Orma says. "You can't deal with that stuff now. An active mind will keep you awake." If you don't want to throw it away, he suggests setting the list aside to return to the next day.

Change your bedtime.

If you're constantly having trouble drifting off, you may want to readjust your sleep schedule, Orma says. This may mean going to bed later.

"This is a mistake a lot of people make -- they get into bed because that's their bedtime, whether they're sleepy or not," he says. "People have a racing mind when they crawl into bed not because their anxiety is keeping them awake, but because they're not tired enough and their mind just starts going."

If all else fails, quietly engage your mind.

If you simply just can't sleep, try reading a book ("Textbooks are great for this," Orma says), drinking some tea, listening to music or practicing a little meditation. Whatever you do, just make sure you don't gravitate toward your phone or your laptop, Orma warns. Your devices will only wake you up more .

When it comes down to it, Orma says to take solace in the fact that an anxious mind doesn't have to be a permanent problem. If your insomnia or anxiety is starting to affect your everyday life, he advises seeking a professional for guidance.

"They are both extremely common," he says. "A lot of people think there's something wrong with them when they experience these conditions, but it's important to know that it's normal -- even though it's certainly not a pleasant experience. It's just a problem in their thinking and their behavior patterns. It's very treatable."

This GPS Guide is part of a series of posts designed to bring you back to balance when you're feeling off course.

GPS Guides are our way of showing you what has relieved others' stress in the hopes that you will be able to identify solutions that work for you. We all have de-stressing "secret weapons" that we pull out in times of tension or anxiety, whether they be photos that relax us or make us smile, songs that bring us back to our heart, quotes or poems that create a feeling of harmony or meditative exercises that help us find a sense of silence and calm. We encourage you to visit our other GPS Guides here , and share with us your own personal tips for finding peace, balance and tranquility.

Before You Go

How Winter Messes With Your Sleep
Keeping The House Too Hot(01 of08)
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Cranking up the heat may seem like a cozy way to spend an evening, but it can also really wreak havoc on your sleep, says Michael Decker, Ph.D., an associate professor at Georgia State University and spokesman for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. "As we sleep, our body acclimates to the room temperature," he says. "If we lower our body temperature a little bit in a cooler room, we tend to sleep better."While the exact thermostat is a matter of personal comfort, optimal temperatures tend to range between 68 and 72 degrees says Jennifer Trachtenberg, M.D., FAAP, pediatrician at the Mt. Sinai Medical Center and a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Instead of having one big comforter, she suggests piling on light layers on your bed so that you can remove them if it becomes too warm. (credit:Alamy)
Keeping The House Too Cold(02 of08)
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Not to sound like Goldilocks, but it's important to keep the temperature just right -- similar to how a too-warm bedroom can keep you up at night, being too cold isn't conducive to sleep either. While you may be saving on the heating bill, shivering and teeth chattering is uncomfortable, and can keep you awake at night, Decker says. So find a comfortable temperature and maintain it, at least while you're falling asleep. (credit:Alamy)
Lack Of Light Throughout The Day(03 of08)
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We need bright sunshine to help us be alert and vigilant, Decker explains -- and a lack of light in the wintertime can become a problem. When we don't get enough brightness, we tend to feel a bit sleepy all day -- and that means there's no darkness signaling to the body at the end of the day that it's time to sleep. "The body doesn't feel like it's time to go to bed because you've been half asleep during the day," Decker explains.He suggests getting out into the sunlight as much as possible first thing in the morning -- if you absolutely can't, spend some time in front of a blue light machine. And at nighttime, be sure to minimize over-illumination (that means turning off the TV or shutting down that laptop at least an hour before you hit the pillow and keep artificial lights to a minimum). (credit:Alamy)
Heavy Winter Meals(04 of08)
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A hardy meal may have a way of warming you from the inside out during those cold winter months, but it can also keep you up at night. When you eat a heavy meal in the evening, the body has to work harder to digest that food, Decker explains, which can actually keep you awake. He tells patients to aim to finish up mealtime four or five hours before bedtime to allow full digestion of food. (credit:Alamy)
Lack Of Exercise(05 of08)
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"There's been some nice studies that demonstrate that exercise can increase deep sleep," Decker says. But, unfortunately, during the winter months we tend to feel sluggish and stop using up all our energy. For increased movement, and better rest, Decker suggests a simple brisk walk or opting for the stairs instead of the elevator to improve step count during the day. (credit:Alamy)
Oversleeping On The Weekends(06 of08)
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While this is a year-round struggle, the cold dreary days of wintertime have their own special way of making us want to stay in bed all day on the weekends. Unfortunately, though, altering sleep too much on Saturday and Sunday can set you up for bad patterns during the weekdays, Decker says. While recapturing a little bit of sleep is great, try to avoid altering your bedtime and wake time by more than an hour or so. (credit:Alamy)
Dry Air(07 of08)
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That dry, cold winter air in your bedroom can really zap the moisture out of the nose, Decker explains. And when our nose dries out, we tend to open our mouths and start snoring, which can be the start of bad sleeping patterns. He recommends a humidifier or even a little waterfall, which is what he uses in his own home, to keep air moist -- and the comforting white noise of both is an added bonus that can help to lull you to sleep. (credit:Alamy)
Cold And Flu Season(08 of08)
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"Sleep helps us heal," Decker says. But the irony of that is that when we're suffering from a cold or flu, we're often too stuffed up to get a good night's rest. "When we sleep, nature intends for us to breathe mostly through our nose," he explains. But when our noses are stuffed up, we naturally compensate by opening our mouths, which can lead to snoring and, generally speaking, a pretty bad night's sleep.Decker suggests trying anything that can help to open the nasal passages before sleep, whether that's breathing in warm, moist air, trying a nose passage-opening product, or keeping the head elevated.Trachtenberg also suggests using a humidifier to ease sore throats (some newer models even have germ-killing technology) and taking a bit of honey before bedtime (some studies show it's just as effective as a cough or cold suppressant). (credit:Alamy)

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