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Posted: 2014-10-01T12:18:32Z | Updated: 2017-12-07T03:20:09Z What Happens When Health Editors Follow Their Own Sleep Rules | HuffPost Life

What Happens When Health Editors Follow Their Own Sleep Rules

9 Sleep Mistakes We're STILL Making
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It's easy to say sleep is a priority, but it's hard to make it one. Between late nights at work, early-morning workouts and trying to maintain some semblance of a social life, sleep all too often gets pushed to the back burner.

But skimp on sleep and you risk a whole host of scary-sounding side effects, including increased stroke risk, a weaker immune system and even earlier death .

That's why the HuffPost Healthy Living editors decided it was time to put ourselves to the ultimate test: Could we -- professional nutrition buffs, fitness junkies and self-proclaimed health nerds -- follow the rules of good sleep that we preach day in and day out?

For seven nights, we swore to try our darnedest to follow 10 classic rules of sleep hygiene and journal the results as we went. Below, we've spelled out the science supporting each rule and shared a few choice words from our editors about how easy -- or hard -- it was to follow each.

1. Sleep seven to nine hours a night.
While there's no magic number, the general rule of thumb for adults is seven to nine hours of shut-eye a night for the biggest health benefits .

The team was almost unanimously successful on this measure, logging at least seven hours of sleep on most nights, and often more (without overdoing it). "It was nice to look back every morning to see how many hours of sleep I got and to feel happy that I got enough," one editor said.

2. No phones in the bedroom.
Bright light is one of the biggest disruptors to the brain as it prepares for sleep, and many of us regularly welcome such disruptors into our beds in the form of smartphones, laptops, tablets, and more light-emitting devices. In fact, in a 2013 HuffPost/YouGov poll, 64 percent of people ages 18 to 29 said they had fallen asleep with a smart phone or tablet computer in bed with them . Even if you've set yours to silent, the urge to check it proves too great for some people.

But, despite the fact that our boss Arianna Huffington, chair, president and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post has been known to gift alarm clocks around the holidays so people won't have to rely on their phones, we all faced a problem: How did we make sure we woke up for work if we didn't keep our phones in our bedrooms?

Some editors put the phone in another room and cranked up the volume on the alarm -- and noted that it was surprisingly easy to hear and wake up to. Others swore this would be the week they bought a real alarm clock. Others still gave up entirely on this rule or placed their own phones outside the bedroom but allowed their bed partner's phone to remain. Among everyone who gave it a shot, most grew to like the feeling, though. "I'm starting to appreciate not having my phone by my bedside (totally removes the temptation to scroll before bed)," one editor said. "I am never keeping my phone in my room again! #winning," said another.

One resorted to the programmable alarm on a fitness watch. "The noise was horrendous," she said on day two of the challenge. "It's going to make me significantly grumpier than the lovely song I have programmed on my phone alarm." By the final day, she remained unconvinced. "I detest the sound. I am so glad this is over and I can get my phone back (on Do Not Disturb, promise)."

3. No laptops/tablets in bed.
In 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported that about 80 percent of young New Yorkers work from bed . "I almost always check my computer from bed before I go to sleep," one editor said. "Ugh, this is such a vice. Did it, but this is going to be tough," another said on the first day of the challenge. The bright light's not a good idea, but the stimulating nature of working from bed can worsen sleep problems, as the brain comes to associate the bed with work rather than sleep.

But there's hope for us yet: "I always thought I was a big computer-in-bed person, but I guess the habit was easier to break than I anticipated," one editor said. "Check. This was much easier than I thought it would be," another echoed.

4. No checking email within one hour before bed and five minutes after waking up.
In our 24/7, always-on society (and in our particular jobs), it's easy to wonder what you've missed as soon as you wake up. But those first five minutes of the day are crucial -- they set the mood for the hours to come . If you spend them responding to someone else's needs, you may never fully acknowledge your own. And email before bed not only means more exposure to light, but can also rev up your thoughts right as you should be unwinding.

Most of us acknowledged both how challenging this rule was and how good it felt to follow it. "Glorious," one editor exclaimed, "I'll stick with this one!" Those that had a little more difficulty were particularly tuned-in to the effects of their inboxes. "I checked before bed and in the a.m. and I do think it affected the quality of my sleep -- I felt a little groggy," one said. "This week proved just what kind of a twisted dependency I have on those lines of communication," said another. "Hey, recognizing it is the first step, right?"

5. No TV within one hour of bed.

Television seems relaxing enough, but sleep experts say not only the light but the content can be problematic if it's too riveting: Your body can produce a similar stress response to all that drama as if it were happening to you in real life. Sleep experts recommend powering down all electronics, not just the TV, about an hour before bed.

Aside from one evening spent binging on DVR'd episodes of "Teen Mom" and another evening rooting for a hometown favorite during Thursday night football, most of us had no problem following this rule. Only one editor really struggled. "It's so engrained as part of my pre-bed routine, that even stopping watching TV a half hour before bed is a big deal for me," she said.

6. No caffeine within eight hours of bed.
Caffeine stays in your system significantly longer than you might think, so even an afternoon tea can mess with your slumber . We opted to give ourselves an eight-hour window, which proved to be more than enough for almost everyone. The sole editor who struggled -- "I really love coffee, okay?" -- actually didn't give herself enough credit. Despite naming this the most challenging rule of the entire week, she only missed the mark on two of the seven days.

7. No alcohol within three hours of bed.
A nightcap might help you fall asleep faster -- but later on in the night, alcohol can seriously disrupt sleep , particularly rapid eye movement or REM sleep. Let's be honest right off the bat: It's a particularly tricky rule on weekends. And maybe also if it happens to be your birthday, as it did for one editor. Between champagne parties, football games, open bar weddings, and one "I plead the 5th", this may have been the rule we struggled with the most -- and one we promise to pay more attention to in the future.

8. No pets in the bed.
Pets make for some of the best snuggle buddies, but when it comes to actually sleeping, Fido and Fluffy are likely to bark and meow you awake more than you'd probably like to admit. (Not to mention, pets can also bring allergy triggers into an otherwise-clean bedroom.) As such, most sleep experts advise sleeping apart from your favorite furry friend . We're certainly no statistically significant sample, considering only one out of seven editors involved actually owns a pet -- and they're not parting anytime soon. "I realize I'm semi-obsessed with my dog," she said. "Long story short, fail."

9. No hitting the snooze button.
Those five extra minutes may feel like bliss, but drifting in and out of sleep in the morning is actually not doing you any favors. That's because every time the alarm rings, you're left with disturbed and fragmented sleep, which can leave you feeling groggier than if you had slept straight through until the time you actually got out of bed. Five out of seven editors weren't regular snoozers to begin with, although one had a snoozing bed partner on her hands. "He pushed his snooze button twice this morning. Growl," she said. "Maybe the solution is just waking up before him? Although that seems cruel and unusual."

The two editors who frequently snooze struggled here. One consistently left the bedroom to turn off her phone alarm that she had dutifully placed in another room -- and then got back into bed. "Those extra 10 minutes are just so delicious," the other said. But, as Arianna says, "The snooze button is for people who haven't slept enough."

What We Learned
We weren't perfect. But just as we write about physical activity while sitting at a desk or tweet about eating more greens while snacking on fries, we think there's room for improvement without rigidity -- even when it comes to sleep. Most of us noted a couple of rules in particular we'll be focusing on going forward. And there's no doubt it helped to see our sleep habits in writing, day after day. "I thought I was already a good sleeper, since I get between seven and nine hours every night and wake up pretty naturally on weekends," one editor said. "But I was so wrong! I felt more rested and not exactly happier, but just a little lifted."

A little lift sounds pretty nice, doesn't it?

Before You Go

Natural Ways To Fall Asleep
(01 of14)
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About 9 million U.S. adults use prescription sleep aids to ensure quality rest, according to a recent CDC study. But experts caution that sleeping pills aren't always effective or safe, and many think their use should be limited."If you have an insomnia disorder, you probably need to see somebody who specializes in insomnia, you might need extra help," says Michael A. Grandner, Ph.D., of the Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology at the University of Pennsylvania. The good news is insomnia can often be treated "pretty effectively using non-medication approaches," he says, but many people haven't heard of remedies beyond pills.So how do you get to sleep when you just can't? These all-natural sleep aids will have you drifting off in no time, no Rx necessary. (credit:Flickr:Ano Lobb. @healthyrx)
Consider Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(02 of14)
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Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia or CBT-I is considered the gold standard for insomnia treatment, the method with the most scientific evidence to support it, says Kelly Glazer Baron, Ph.D., M.P.H, a sleep researcher and neurology instructor at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine.Typically, CBT-I involves meeting regularly with a therapist for various sleep assessments, according to the National Sleep Foundation, and you may be asked to keep a sleep journal and change a number of your sleep habits. (credit:Getty )
Get Out Of Bed(03 of14)
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One of the biggest problems people say they have falling asleep at night is that they just can't stop their minds from racing, says Grandner. Without proper time to wind down before hopping into bed, our brains are likely to say, "Well, here's what's on my plate!" as soon as you're under the covers, essentially training us to associate bedtime with fretting, he says. "It's a little counter-intuitive," he adds, "but get out of bed if you're not asleep after 20, 30, 40 minutes." Technically a CBT-I theory, this practice of "stimulus control" can be used by anyone, anywhere, and helps you re-associate the bed with sleep, he says. Do something else for 30 or 60 minutes out of bed until you're really feeling tired, he says. Just make sure it's not something too stimulating or involving bright light. (credit:Getty)
Try Progressive Muscle Relaxation(04 of14)
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First developed in 1915, this technique will never get old. "Progressive muscle relaxation is a relaxation exercise in which you systematically tense and then relax all the muscle groups of your body," clinical director of UPenn Medicine's Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program Phil Gehrman, Ph.D., told Everyday Health. "It helps promote overall physical relaxation, which has a number of benefits on its own." It was shown to reduce fatigue and improve sleep quality in a study of women undergoing breast cancer treatment. Give it a try with this simple progressive muscle relaxation practice . (credit:Getty)
Meditate(05 of14)
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If you'd rather quiet your mind but leave your muscles out of it, a simple mindfulness meditation may also do the trick. A 2009 study found that meditation can help fight insomnia. The researchers found that meditators slept longer and better thanks to the deep relaxation powers of the practice. Try this 10-step meditation for better sleep tonight. If that's not quite your style, even just some deep breathing can help clear your mind and better prepare you for sleep. (credit:Getty )
Take A Warm Bath(06 of14)
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You can skip the candles and rose petals, but a soothing soak really can help you get to sleep. That's because relaxing in the tub will raise your body temperature slightly, and when you get out, the rapid cooldown will mimic the natural temperature drop the brain triggers as it prepares for sleep. A small 1985 study found that people who take a warm bath before bed not only fall asleep more quickly, but also report better quality of sleep. (credit:Getty)
Break A Sweat(07 of14)
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Regular exercisers may not realize it, but they're onto something. The physically active report getting better sleep than people who don't work out, according to the 2013 National Sleep Foundation's Sleep In America poll. It seems that the particular timing or form of exercise isn't as important as whether or not you simply move, says Grandner: "The evidence is out there that people who are even getting mild exercise are sleeping better than those who aren't." If that doesn't convince you to exercise even just a little, we don't know what will. (credit:Flickr:bobroche)
Do Yoga(08 of14)
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As a form of mind-quieting physical activity, yoga may just be the best of two worlds. And while there aren't exactly scientific studies showing a regular yoga practice can help you get more or better sleep, we do know that yoga does wonders for relaxation . "If your sleep problem is that you're unable to relax, [yoga] could be a way to intervene," says Grandner.Not sure where to begin? Try these 10 calming poses perfect for bedtime. (credit:Flickr:Synergy by Jasmine)
Sniff Aromatherapy(09 of14)
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Whether it's an essential oil, a bath scrub, a sachet in an eye mask or even a pillow or mattress, lavender is the scent you're searching for if you want more and better sleep. In a small 2005 study, a whiff of lavender before bed resulted in more deep sleep . And a 2008 study found that smelling lavender helped a small group of women with insomnia fall asleep more easily , the Wall Street Journal reported. (credit:Getty )
Set Your Bedroom Up For Success(10 of14)
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For people with insomnia, "the bedroom just becomes unpleasant, a war zone," says Baron. That's why she recommends making a few simple changes to make it as comfortable a setting as possible. Maybe it's as simple as buying a new set of comfy sheets, she says. Other bedrooms may be too light. Even the faintest bit -- whether it's from behind the drapes or beaming from the alarm clock -- can keep you up. The bedroom should also be quiet; consider investing in a white noise machine or app if it's not. Set the thermostat for a just-right temp somewhere between 60 and 67 degrees . And please, please, please leave the cell phones in another room -- or at least put them on Do Not Disturb. (credit:Flickr:UrbaneWomenMag)
Consider A Supplement(11 of14)
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The good news is that most sleep supplements probably won't do harm. The bad news is that they're not very well researched, says Baron, and they're not regulated by the FDA."We hear the most about melatonin," she says, "but it's most useful for disorders that affect the body's clock." A small dose can help shift your circadian rhythm if you're recovering from jet lag, for instance, she says.It's also frequently used wrong, says Grandner. Melatonin doesn't induce sleepiness the way most of us imagine, he says. Instead of right before bed, it's most helpful if it's taken a few hours before bedtime, as the body is just beginning to "ramp up its natural production" of the sleep hormone, he says.Another supplement option is valerian , made from the root of the herb. Only small studies have been conducted with inconclusive results, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Institutes of Health. Baron says some people may find it to have a relaxation effect, meaning it could help with more mild sleep problems but probably won't cut it for insomnia, says Grandner.L-theanine is an amino acid found naturally in green tea that seems to promote deep sleep. Since drinking enough tea to really reap the benefits would have you running to the bathroom all night long, some people opt for a pure L-theanine supplement . (credit:Getty)
Cut Caffeine Earlier(12 of14)
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Caffeine has a half-life of five hours, says Baron, meaning five hours after your last cup of coffee, half of its caffeine content is still in your system. Depending on how much you drink -- and how strong it is -- you could find yourself counting sheep when you'd rather be sawing logs. To avoid problems at bedtime, Baron recommends cutting yourself off after lunch. (credit:Getty)
Switch To Herbal Tea(13 of14)
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Caffeine's a no-no, but caffeine-free herbal tea may actually help you sleep. Many "Sleepy Time" teas are made from the same compounds used in supplements that promote sleep, like valerian or chamomile. Plus, there's something inherently calming about a warm sip before bed , even if it's just the ritual of taking the time to do so. (credit:Getty)
Quit Smoking(14 of14)
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Like caffeine, nicotine is also a stimulant, and may lead to sleep disturbances during the night. In 2008, Johns Hopkins researchers found that smokers were four times as likely to say they woke up feeling tired in the mornings than nonsmokers. (credit:Flickr:MilitaryHealth)

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