
Rob Greenfield

Guest Writer

Rob Greenfield embarks on extreme adventures and activism campaigns to bring attention to important global issues and inspire change, including cycling across the U.S. three times on a bamboo bicycle and living off-grid in a 50 square-foot tiny home in San Diego before auctioning it and raising funds to build 10 tiny houses for people with no homes. He now lives in Orlando, Florida in a tiny house he built with 99 percent repurposed materials for under $1,500. His current project is to grow and forage 100 percent of the food he eats for an entire year (from 11/11/2018 to 11/11/2019). He is the host of Free Ride on Discovery Channel, the author of Dude Making a Difference, and has spoken at over 130 events in 13 countries. Rob donates 100 percent of his media income to grassroots nonprofits and has committed to living simply and responsibly for life.

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