
Lianne Mandelbaum

Founder of No Nut Traveler

Graduated Phi Beta Kappa from SUNY Albany in 1991, and earned an MS in Physical Therapy from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1997. In November 2013, launched The No Nut Traveler,, a website with resources and advocacy tools for those flying with food allergies, stories from passengers and a petition drive with over 90,000 signatures urging action. Married and has three children: one allergic to nuts. She was the recipient of the 2013 FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education) leadership award and 2017 FARE Vision Award. She is a member of a FARE led coalition formed to present a unified voice regarding the steps that the airline industry can take to better accommodate passengers with food allergies. This coalition is responsible for championing Bill S1972 introduced August 2015 in US Senate- which would put easy to use auto-injectors on-board airlines.She has been a regular panelist for IFAAA (International Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Alliance) presenting on the myriad of challenges passengers face when flying with food allergy. Lianne is also a regular presenter for FABlogCon. Her tips for flying with a food allergy were featured in a piece for the Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy Research at Stanford.Most recently, Lianne has worked with Interfaith Hospitality Network of Essex County, an organization that houses homeless families in churches and synagogues to help train and educate volunteer coordinators and staff on how to host families who come into the network with food allergies. In addition to her advocacy work, Lianne also serves as the co-chair of FAREs New York Food Allergy Ball, helping to raise funds in support of FAREs mission.

September 11, 2017

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